Author: Michael Laposata
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A complete full-color guide to medical test selection and test result interpretation
A Doody’s Core Title for 2017!
Laboratory Medicine is an essential text for medical students and residents studying clinical pathology, medical technology students, and practitioners working in a clinical setting. By selecting the appropriate tests and interpreting the results correctly, physicians using this book should be able to optimize patient outcomes and reduce the cost of achieving a diagnosis.
This full-color guide features an easy-to-follow, consistent presentation for each disease discussed. Chapters begin with a brief description of the disorder followed by a discussion that includes tables detailing the laboratory evaluation of specific disorders, coverage of diagnosis, baseline tests to exclude diagnostic possibilities, and clinical indications that warrant further screening and special testing.
- Updated to reflect the most current information
- 46 laboratory methods presented in easy-to-understand illustrations which include information on the expense and complexity of the assays
- More than 200 tables and full-color algorithms encapsulate important information and facilitate understanding
- Full-color blood-smear micrographs demonstrate common abnormal morphologies of red blood cells
- Valuable learning aids in each chapter, including learning objectives, chapter outlines, and a general introduction
- Extensive table of Clinical Laboratory Reference Values showing the conversions between US and SI units for each value
- Coverage of genetic test options that are now commonly used in clinical practice